
Environmental Social & Governance

Blood Donation Drive in Collaboration with Red Crescent Society

On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, Highnoon collaborated with the Pakistan Red Crescent Society and organized a blood donation camp at its head office. A large number of employees showed up to donate blood. The collected blood was donated to JTK Thalassemia Centre.

Fauzia Saeed, Deputy Director Health, Dr Javed Habib Rana, Dr Amna Qureshi, and Zohrain Tabassum from Pakistan Red Crescent Society moderated the camp. They conducted the necessary tests and medical check-ups to find if the volunteers were medically fit to donate blood.

They emphasized the point that a blood camp like this helped patients suffering from thalassemia to live longer life.

Dr Wameez M. Kadri spread awareness and cleared the misconception linked to blood donation. The volunteers also expressed their drive behind blood donation.

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Installation of Effluent Treatment Plant

Highnoon is committed to enriching life. This commitment reflects in every aspect of the company’s operation. From producing high-quality healthcare products to championing sustainability, the company remains resolute in its endeavour.

To play their part against devastating climate change and significantly reduce carbon footprints, Highnoon has installed Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP). The plant purifies industrial wastewater, removing harmful materials from the waste and converting it into an effluent which creates an acceptable impact on the environment. The treated water may not be fit for human consumption, but it can be put to good use for multiple purposes, including irrigation, which reduces the waste of drinkable water.

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Introducing Seed Papers in Pakistan's Pharma Ecosystem

Highnoon is proud to launch an eco-friendly initiative, Plant for Pakistan. It is the first time a Pakistani pharma company has introduced seed papers in the industry’s ecosystem. These seed papers are made from recycled paper embedded with seeds of various plants. When these papers are planted in the soil, they grow into plants, leading to new green spaces.

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